Rejoice!  The End Is Near.

Love’s narchy

The New Hampshire Writers’ Project is a great resource for New Hampshire writers. From the monthly Writers’ Nights Out to their Critique Partners Program, they keep finding ways to help me stay focused on my goal of growing up to be a real writer. With the introduction of New Hampshire Writers’ Week, their visibility and clout are poised to rise all the further. If you’re a New Hampshire writer and not yet a member, what are you waiting for? The $55 annual membership fee is cheap compared to the value.

In her dream she is always falling . . .

Two eagles awake to the sound of thunder, or rather a helicopter that hovers overhead. While mama eagle flees, papa stays to defend their eggs but is captured, leaving mama to raise three eaglets by herself.

Speaking of single moms, Mary is overwhelmed by Lissy’s teenage surliness, so when Mary’s father dislocates his hip, who better to help him for a few weeks than Lissy? To complicate matters, he’s just taken in a runaway boy and his wounded owl, but Mary decides nevertheless to entrust her daughter’s well-being to fate and her father’s vigilance.

And then there’s Shep, who’s just an old dog. He doesn’t do much, but beware lest he steal your heart.

This is not a whimsical story, but a poignant tale of the banality of evil, the impotence of good and the unexpected voice that suggests that what we do, for good or ill, might actually matter.

Coming to an online retailer near you in 2015.